I graduated as an architect and urban designer from Pontifícia Universidade Católica of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RIO), Brazil. Through an exchange programme, I had the opportunity to study in Portugal, at Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (FAUTL) and I also spent one semester at the École Nationale Supérieure de Toulouse(ENSAT), France. Once I graduated, I moved to Paris and spent 6 months working in a French architecture firm called BRS architectes ingenieurs. Back to Rio de Janeiro in 2011, I joined RRA office team for three years, where I had the opportunity to work with high rise commercial buildings as well as urban and landscape design(main projects include the Madureira Park and the L’oreal headquarters, in Rio). Between 2014 and 2015, I collaborated with RUA arquitetos in the design of the Golf Clubhouse for the 2016 Olympic Games. In July 2016, I earned an international master degree in Urban and Environmental Engineering through PUC-RIO in partnership with Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany. In 2017, I opened my own firm and between January 2021 and September 2022, I also collaborated as a project architect at Estudio Chão, designing mostly residential, exhibition and event projects in Rio de Janeiro. Currently, I am developing a PhD research at LRA ENSA Toulouse.

Profissional Experience
Estudio Chão
Rio de Janeiro
estudiochao.comProject architect at Estudio Chão, designing mostly residential, exhibition and event projects in Rio de Janeiro
RUA Arquitetos
Rio de Janeiro
www.rualab.com  Project leader for the Rio 2016 Olympic Golf Clubhouse.
2014 - 2015
Ruy Rezende Arquitetura
Rio de Janeiro
rra.com.br Development of feasibility studies for new endeavors, cooperation in the architectural projects of corporate high rise buildings located in the Port region and the "Cidade Nova" neighborhood, in Rio de Janeiro. I also collaborated with urban and landscaping project of Madureira Park, in Rio de Janeiro.
2011 - 2014
BRS Architectes Ingenieurs
brsarchi.com Cooperation in Urban Projects. Main projects: Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympic Park competition, conversion of an aerial base in Reims, competition for a school in Noisy-le-Grand.
Coutinho, Diegues, Cordeiro Arquitetos (CDCA)
Rio de Janeiro
Architecture internship developing shopping center projects. Main projects: Village Mall, Rio de Janeiro.
2009 - 2011
Casa Cor Rio de Janeiro
Intern at an architectural and interior design exhibition event.
Hospital Américas Medical City – Construction Site
Rio de Janeiro

Internship at the hospital's construction site.

2006 - 2007
Academic Acheivements
Master in Urban and Environmental Engineering
Pontifícia Universidade Católica Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RIO)/ Techinsche Universität Braunschweig, Germany
Research topic: The role of public parks in cities.
2014 - 2016
MBA in Entrepreneurship and New Endeavors
Fundação Getúlio Vargas Rio de Janeiro (FGV-RJ)
2012 - 2014
Undergraduate in Architecture and Urban Design
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RIO)
2005 - 2010
One semester study École Nationale Supérieure Toulouse (ENSAT)
Exchange programme through PUC-RIO with Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (FAUTL)
Supplementary Certification
Poetic Immersions, Escola sem sítio
Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro
Art course taught by Cadu, Efrain Almeida, Marcelo Campos, Marisa Flórido.
August - December 2017
Ephemeral Spaces Design
Istituto Europeo Design (IED-Rio), Rio de Janeiro
Course taught by Josep Ferrando.
August 2017
Light Design
Istituto Europeo Design (IED-Rio), Rio de Janeiro
Course taught by Beti Font.
May - July 2017
Varied art courses
Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage (EAV), Rio de Janeiro
‘Pintura 1’, curso com professor João Magalhães; ‘Quem tem medo da pintura, videoarte, gravura desenho (...)?’ com Anna Bella Geiger e Fernando Cocchiarale; ‘Desenvolvimento de projetos e ‘Arte como conhecimento’ Franz Manata; ’O Processo Criativo’ com Charles Watson: Módulos 1 e 2.
2012 - 2017
Interior Decorating and Styling, Short Course Chelsea College, London
University of the Arts London
December 2016
‘ICAC – Inserção no Circuito Artístico Contemporâneo’
Course taught by Isabel Portella, Jozias Benedicto e Alessandro Sartore
Introduction to Photography
Ateliê da Imagem, Rio de Janeiro
Course taught by Marco Antônio Portela.
Architectural Association(AA) Summer School
July 2009
Honorable Mention in Urban and Landscape Design category
Rio de Janeiro Architects’ Institute Award (IAB-RJ)
Madureira Park – Ruy Rezende Arquitetura
Honorable Mention in Architecture Student Competition ArchMedium
Urban transport center in Barcelona – CUTBCN Project published in Fall 2010 Future Arquitecturas, TC Cuadernos, and Wettbewerbe Aktuell
First prize in architecture student competition
8th International Architecture Biannual of São Paulo
Project: Service Kiosk for Urban parks in São Paulo.
Conferences and Publications
International Seminar on Urban Planning Research (SIIU)
Faculdade de Arquitetura Unicap, Recife
Presentation and Publishing of article entitled "The Olympic games and sustainability: Projections for Paris 2024 Between marketing, environmental preservation and social well-being."
September, 2023
4th Annual International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE 2016)
Article “The role of public parks in the creation of an urban identity” selected for publishing and oral presentation at conference.
April 2016
“II Encontro Nacional de Tecnologia Urbana”
Universidade de Passo Fundo, Brazil
Article “Análise Qualitativa de Áreas Verdes em Grandes Centros Urbanos” selected for publishing and oral presentation at conference.
November 2015
Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro
“Para Todos”
Carpintaria. Rio de Janeiro
“Abraço Coletivo”
Espaço Saracura. Rio de Janeiro
Ateliê Casa Residência Artística, Rio das Ostras
Exhibition curated by Áureo Guilherme Mendonça.
Coletiva Eixo Arte 2017
Online Exhibition
Online Exhibition
Student Exhibition, EAV
Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro
“Escravos de Jó”
Raizes Pro Arte, Rio de Janeiro
Solar dos Abacaxis, Rio de Janeiro
Exhibition curated by Bernardo Mosqueira e Ulisses Carrilho
“Passeio Completo”
Centro Cultural do Sindicato dos Rodoviários
Hostel Contemporâneo, Rio de Janeiro
Exhibition curated by Isabel Portella.
I.T. knowledge
Autocad, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Rhinoceros 4, Grasshopper, Sketchup, Revit, Microsoft Office
Portuguese (Native Language); English (Fluent); French (Fluent); Italian (Intermediate); German (Basic); Spanish (Basic)